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Masa Untuk Label Benda Alah ♥
Seminggu lebih dah beli Rajtan Ikea ni. Baru hari Sabtu tadi Zie managed
untuk melabel benda alah kat dapur. Beli kat H&L di Ecomall, Semariang (di
2 years ago
Weehooo...semalam sgttt sgttt hepi taw Zie. Ade gak pengubat stress time keje...kehkehkeh. Zie recieved parcel kooo noks. Ai loveeeeee parcel! But this time it from....
...jeng jeng jeng (ceaaa..padahal taju dh terang² gtaw ek...haha)
...ITS FROM DILLAH! I was like....whoaaaaa! I AM SOOOO SUPRISE! Xde angin, xde ribut...tetiba recieved a parcel from him. Mmg Zie didn't expect it at all taw. He's so good at this ah ^_^
Terus tersenyum sampai ke tinga koo...haha.
Pssttt...rebut² Zie koyak rabakkan parcel tuh taw. Buka² je alih² tgk... alahaiii, u sooo sweet syg. Even its in pink kaler (katanya puas die cr kotak kaler merah tp xde kat Sri Aman), i still loving it!
...coz its decorated in Love² design, awwww soooo romantik. I LUV U!
Tadaaa!!! I recieved this! Oh ye, the one in burberry design plastic tuh, its was something yg sgtttt sgttt berharga utk Zie. Didn't expect gak di akan suprised zie yg itu gak.
Zie mmg sgt sgt terharu. Apakah benda inside plastic burberry tuh, well...biarlah rahsia. HAHA! Ko x yah nk kepochi taw ek uols. Kasi can zie yg nieeee je nk berahsia yek
^_^ Lalalala.
yang nih lah adalah coklat yg ala² ferrero roche tuh. Nice giler kan packing nih. Cam syggg jek nk bukak :D
W/pun die taw zie x suke coklat execpt for M&Ms, still gak koo die bagi. Katanya ade makne tersirat bagi coklat. so that hubungan weols sentiasa manis cam coklat...
...awwww, so sweettt. Gift nih sempena our 1 year engagement anniversary. Die bagi awal coz dia time tuh ingat x dpt balik Kuching. And our engagement anniversary is on this coming sunday.
Tuh yg die courierkan awal. Tp alih²...balik kooo die this weekend, yayyy! 1st time weols celebrate our anniversary event on the spot tanpe perlu postpone bagai.
IM SOOOO HAPPY. Pssttt... i am the happiest girl on earth having a fiancee like him :)
Redbloodsnow Copyright© <--- Nanged it if u like. Thanx :)
Salam uols...arini Zie sgttt sgttt happy taw. Why??? well, cube ko try tgk date arini cepattt. Ceaa..mcm lah ko nk kesah kan uols kan..hahaha. is our 1st ANNIVERSARY!!! ^_^
...Alhamdullillah, bersyukur Zie hubungan weols dh genap setahun dah. Pd yg x tahu, pd tarikh arini nih lah, Dillah 1st hadir dlm hidup Zie...eee ati zie manyak bunga-bunga weh..haha.
Sape nk bc cara weols met -->> SILA CLICK SINI
Ku mencintai cara dia menyintai diriku...cewahhh ayat poyo weh..wakakaka. This year im his fiancee, next year...i'm his wife!!! Hehe...Insya'Allah. Kita hanya merancang, ALLAH jugak yg menentukan..
...ape yg Zie harapkan, dlm ketentuan ILLAHI tu...ade Zie n Dillah always. Aminnn. Happy 1st Anniversary to meeeee!!! hehe
-->> Celebrate our 1st anniversary
bile Dillah blk Kuching nanti ^_^
rite now he's still operasi polis arr
uolss..gnie lah kehidupan sbg
tunangan kpd sorg anggota yg bertugas
di luar daerah :(Love Thug ♥Zie & Dillah♥